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Complete Bazi Career Profiling Report

Original price was: $117.99.Current price is: $49.00.

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  1. Name
  2. Date of Birth (in dd-mm-yyyy format, eg 15-Jan-1990)
  3. Time of Birth
  4. Gender at Birth

Bazi Reading | What’s in this report?

  1. Bazi Career Profiling Report (Your Natural Talent, Motivations, Suitable Career & Job Roles)
  2. Bazi Favourable Direction, Element, Industry Report

Scroll down to view a Sample copy of the Complete Bazi Career Profiling Report.


There are two components in Bazi reading:

  1.  Ming 
  2.  Yun 运.

Your Bazi chart tells you about your personality and your perception and relationship with others. This is one part of your Ming 命. Your luck improves when you begin to consciously reprogram your life choosing better Experiences (Luck).

Bazi – The Asian Personality Profiling System?

The key to SUCCESS in life lies in knowing WHO you are, and WHAT you need to do to get the RESULTS that you want. Get your Bazi Career Profiling Report today to understand how you can go from GOOD TO GREAT.

Rave Reviews:

“Janet’s book and the Bazi profiling offered new insights to understanding self and the various elements that influence one’s ability to achieve success at work and personal life.  If you have ever wondered why some people achieve success easily compared to others who have put in an equal amount of effort, this is the book to read. It offers a new dimension to those who are keen to learn and transform their lives.”

Ms Melissa Kee

Asia Pacific Talent Management Director, Global MNC


“The Bazi career profile from Janet is simple and easy to understand.  It helps one to find a balance in their career based on their profile.  This will make one happier and achieve tranquillity in work, and will have a positive effect on other areas in life.”

Arnold, Industrial Engineer

MNC Logistics Company



Proven to significantly improve Self Awareness in 7 areas:



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Bazi Reading | Complete Bazi Career Profiling Report

Janet Yung is the author of the Being Happy and Successful book series of which the 1st two books are published by Joey Yap Research Group Sdn Bhd.  A speaker and consultant, she is our principal Fengshui and Bazi consultant who adapted the traditional Bazi system to the Asian Personality Profiling System to aid clients both individuals and corporates to understand themselves, their natural talent, passions and motivations better to develop these skillsets to competencies to be more successful and happier in their career journey.

In the first part of this Complete Bazi Career Profiling report, you will be introduced to the various aspects of your personality utilizing the Janet Yung Profile Quadrants™ (JYPQ) Chart. With your JYPQ chart, you will discover the obvious personality profile(s) that make a difference to your career as well as the roles that you are passionate about and what motivates you for long term career success and development.

Besides understanding and developing your natural Bazi talent to become successful, it is also important to tap on your favourable directions and elements (colours, industries, etc.) to further boost your success potential and happiness.  The 2nd portion of the Complete Bazi Career Profiling Report contains your Bazi Favourable Directions, Elements, Industries that you can tap to heighten your career success and happiness.

The Asian Personality Profiling System?

The key to SUCCESS in life lies in knowing WHO you are, and WHAT you need to do to get the RESULTS that you want. Get your Bazi Career Profiling Report today to understand how you can go from GOOD TO GREAT.

Proven to significantly improve Self Awareness in 7 areas:


Greater understanding of your own ROLE in life, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Gaining key insights into your career path and the job, best suited to your personality.
Obtaining expansive knowledge on your talents and strengths, attributes and characteristics strengths to develop.
Learning skills to build genuine bonds with the people in your life.
View problems and challenges that come up at work as potential opportunities for greater success
Easy to learn, simple to apply!

As shown in the short clip, there are aspects of our own character that we may not be aware of. Everyone has varying aspects of personality traits that form their character. This creates different facets of ourselves, some obvious to others while others are not. It is important for us to understand these perspectives so that we can better manage ourselves and the perception of us to be more successful. At the same time, we will also be able to achieve better communication and relationship with others.



View the Sample for Complete Bazi Career Profiling Report here:


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